Wednesday, October 9, 2013

München and Freising

I have a lot of writing to do.  There's been more happening than downtime to record it! For now, here's my recent trip to Oktoberfest.

This poster was one of the first things I saw when I arrived at the main train station in München.  I thought it was really well done, and well placed, too.

I didn't actually stay in München, but in the nearby town of Freising, where liveth Liz.  Liz and I met for the first time in Köln before the orientation-one of the great things about being a Fulbright ETA is all the wonderful people you meet! Liz was my amazing host for this trip.

Freising has a wonderful bear collection.  This one was my favorite.
The main square of Freising.
Luftmalerei! That made me so happy.
There was also Luftmalerei of a less formal nature.
The little river in Freising.  Klein aber fein indeed.

This is from München, a very mischeivious and rather confusing fountain. I spent a fair amount of time in München NOT at Oktoberfest, but mostly looking for a cheap dirndl. (I did find one in the end, as you'll see in my next post!) One of my favorite parts was the Vitualenmarkt. It had whole fresh truffles! I didn't buy any, but I did get one of the most delicious fresh juices I've ever had-raspberry, pineapple, and orange.
As for Oktoberfest, that deserves a post of its own!

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