Thursday, October 18, 2012

Aikido Inspiration: 5 Tips for Beginning to Study a Martial Art

I started training in Aikido when I was fourteen-that's eight years ago now.  In that time, I've seen many new students and even done quite a few first day classes.  Every new student is different.  Yet at the same time, some patterns show up over and over again. These are the top five things that I try to tell new students, and what I wish I'd understood myself.

5.)  Being self critical accomplishes nothing.  True, it's very difficult to avoid being self critical.  But it's good to recognize that it's not expected, it's not helpful, and you don't have to feel bad about learning at your own pace. There's nothing wrong with taking time to learn something difficult.  In fact, that's how it works for almost everyone.

4.) Stay in touch with what you're actually learning, and why it's important to you.  Rather than getting caught up in the form of what you're learning, keep track of what it means for the content.

3.) Show up.  Go to as many classes as you can.  You want showing up and participating to be a strong habit.  You'll be tired some days, or you'll have had a tough time in your last class. If you're in the habit of going, you'll end up going anyway, and benefiting enormously.

2.) Bring your practice into the rest of your life.  Think about what you're learning.  If there are any things you can do at home, do them.  (Mitama shizume... Mitama shizume...)

1.) Most of all, find a touchstone. Find something that speaks to you, something concrete and easy to do often. Use it to keep your interest strong and to gain understanding of things that come less naturally.  For me, this was koku dosa.  But anything works, as long as it speaks to you.

By the way, none of this is at all relevant to anything other than Aikido.  So it's not like I'm writing this for my own benefit, to remember and apply to new experiences.  And you certainly shouldn't apply them to anything other than martial arts.

Of course not.

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