Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lots of News!

Well, as you would expect from letting two months go by since I wrote, I have a lot to talk about! I also have a lot of studying to do these days, so I think I'll be catching up on this blog in my study breaks.

First, in answer to my last post: my mom has now figured out Skype! I really should have cut her more slack, because she is very much of the generation that finds computers mystifying. So I got to see her, not to mention the dogs and cat, for the first time in over four months! It was very nice, especially since I'm starting to feel homesick. Bizarrely, one of the things I feel homesick for is my mom's maroon Honda Odyssey. It's not like the car itself is special, it's just a big symbol for Home for me.

I won't write about this properly now, because it needs a post of its own with photos, but I went to Vienna! It was a trip with my history class, it was completely exhausting, and I enjoyed it very much.

And perhaps the biggest news of all: Geoff has been here, and is now on to his job in Ireland. We were in Graz for Christmas, Paris for New Year's Eve. I'll be writing a post about all that soon.

Now I'm in class again and studying for finals, and the time is going fast. Before you know it, my time here will be half over! It's hard to believe. Harder still is that some of the good friends I've made here will be going home. There's so much to be sad over. Luckily, there's just as much to look forward to.

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