Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wisdom Teeth

Apropos of nothing, I would like to tell you a story from last winter, when I had my wisdom teeth out. But first, I have to tell you a joke.

There are two fish in a tank. One says to the other one, "I'll drive, you take the guns!"

Geoff has an entirely unreasonable liking for that joke. When he told it to me, I gave him a look of "really? That's really the joke?" and maybe an unwilling chuckle.

To return to the story, when I got home from getting my wisdom teeth out, I was on a combination of laughing gas and vicodin, and generally not anyone's idea of good company. But Geoff came over to keep me company anyway. I spent the next few hours incoherent and flopped over his chest. I was so out of it, in fact, that apparently at one point he told me that joke again...

...and I laughed hysterically.

And now you know about the horrible, mean things people will do to you when you have your wisdom teeth out.


  1. Haha! This is so fitting; I am hopefully getting mine taken out soon! This made me laugh so hard (the story, not the joke).

  2. Lol, I'm sure Nels will be equally evil (by which I mean considerate and adorable) when you do!
