Sunday, February 6, 2011

Paris Part II

Me at the Eiffel Tower. Geoff and I were going to go up it, but due to time and weather we ended up coming back on New Year's Day.

It was very foggy.
The Arc de Triomph. We didn't get to go to the top, sadly.
This is a Paris sanitation inspector.

Wisdom Teeth

Apropos of nothing, I would like to tell you a story from last winter, when I had my wisdom teeth out. But first, I have to tell you a joke.

There are two fish in a tank. One says to the other one, "I'll drive, you take the guns!"

Geoff has an entirely unreasonable liking for that joke. When he told it to me, I gave him a look of "really? That's really the joke?" and maybe an unwilling chuckle.

To return to the story, when I got home from getting my wisdom teeth out, I was on a combination of laughing gas and vicodin, and generally not anyone's idea of good company. But Geoff came over to keep me company anyway. I spent the next few hours incoherent and flopped over his chest. I was so out of it, in fact, that apparently at one point he told me that joke again...

...and I laughed hysterically.

And now you know about the horrible, mean things people will do to you when you have your wisdom teeth out.