Thursday, June 17, 2010

German Practice

...can be quite fun, if you do it right. I didn't want to lose my ability over the summer, so I've been trying to consume media in German whenever possible. Der Spiegel is online, which is a huge help. Youtube is another great resource. I've been watching Disney movies in German. Aschenputtel (Cinderella) is well suited to it, Die Schöne und der Biest (Beauty and the Beast) is equally good...and not even German can help Mulan II. It's a little harder to find originally German television/movies on Youtube, mostly because I don't know what to search for.
But it's not just speaking I need to practice. Reading and lit crit will be important as well. And since I already have ein Tractat vom Steppenwolf, von Hermann Hesse, that will be my starting place.

Es fangt an mit "Nur für Verrückte" als Einsatz. Ein gute Anfang, finde ich. Ein Übersetzung, so weit wie ich kann...

Only for crazy people

There was once a man named Harry, called the wolf of the steppes. He walked on two legs, wore clothing and was a person, but at the same time he was obviously a wolf. He had learned much from that which people of good understanding could, and he was quite a clever man. And yet there was something which he had not learned: how to be satisfied with himself and his life. This he could not do. He was an unsatisfied person. This was probably because he knew, at all times and from the bottom of his heart (or at least thought he knew) that he was not really a human being, but a wolf from the steppes.

Thank you, Hermann Hesse, for using relatively simple language. We'll see if I've bitten off more than I can chew, but I'm interested to see what happens with Harry. It will probably be very humbling to read a professional translation-which is why I'll be avoiding it, so as not to get discouraged.


  1. Is it alright for me to comment here, or will that break the pristine awesome of your Deutsch-tastic blog? Elanicus, I will definitely follow this in stalkery, German-watching fashion (my own travel blog is too boring in comparison to spend any time on). I've never read an english (or Deutsch, obviously) vers. of Steppenwolf, but I hope you keep posting your translations... I think they're good.

    By the way, Italian keyboards? Strange. Very much so.

    Also... Ich habe ein Buch, das viele kurze Geschichte auf Deutsch hat, aber es ist zu Hause und ich bin nicht. Ich sollte es zu dir geben, als ich in Bellingham war, und dann hättest du etwas anders auf Deutsch zu lesen.

    How's that for some spotty German?


  2. Maggie!!! I was so excited to see someone commented, and then it was even better because it was you!!! Don't worry, this blog will not be purely German. Comment whatever you want. Also, please put up a link to your blog, I want to stalk you back.

    Hmmm...I wonder if German keyboards will be weird too. I bet so.

    Ich freue mich auf dein Buch. Es ist schade, dass wir könnten nicht zusammen durchschauen.


  3. This thing structures comments strangely, it won't let me reply to you. Anyways, it was good to talk to you today.

    My blog has all of 2 entries, but here goes, hopefully I'll remember to write more in it:

    German keyboards have the y and the z switched if I remember correctly. And nifty umlaut keys, so you don't have to remember the alt codes. That's always nice.

    Vielleicht könnten wir es zusammen lesen, wenn wir beide in Amerika sind. Oder etwas. Du sollst mir sagen, wie es in Amerika geht. Und ich werde über Rom schreiben. (Heute regnet es. Und jetzt schauen wir einen Film, ,,Facing Windows")


  4. I've had some structural problems too. Also, I just tried to look at your blog and was told it couldn't be found. Could you send a link to my Facebook?
